About Us

Mission Statement
Saint Stephen Parish, as guided by the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Sacraments, is sent forth to know, love and serve God. For the salvation of souls, we endeavor to evangelize the Gospel message through Christ-centered ministries and truthful witness. Our parish pledges fidelity to the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Holy Catholic Church. We offer traditional, orthodox and reverent practice of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the edification of the faithful and for the making of saints. The Saint Stephen parish family seeks to actively build a culture of life and recognizes the dignity of all persons as children of God.
Contact Info
- Phone: (216) 631-5633 Extensions: General-10, Secretary-11, Accountant-12, Pastor-17, Associate Pastor-14, St. Vincent de Paul Society-16
- Email: ststephendh@gmail.com
- Address: St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church
1930 West 54th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44102 - Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays: closed
Pastor: Rev. Caroli B. Shao, A.J. (ext. 17)
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Benjamin Koka, A.J. (ext. 14)
Latin Mass Celebrant: Rev. Bede Kotlinski, OSB
Additional Celebrant: Rev. S. Michael Franz (Ret.)
Permanent Deacon: Reverend Mr. Moisés Cruz
Church Secretary: Debbie Hemphill (ext. 11)
Church Accountant: Russ Nieling (ext. 12)
Maintenance: Glenn Rollins
Sacristan: Andrew Reichert
Organists: Joe Kolecki and Matthew Tirabassi
St. Vincent de Paul: Herb Rielinger (ext. 16)
Latin Schola Director: Nathan Marinchick
Mass, Devotion, and Confession Schedule
Weekend Masses
5:00 pm English
8:00 am English
9:00 am Rosary
11:00 am English
11:00 am German (First Sunday of every month)
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Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction
Every Wednesday after the 6:30 pm Mass (until 8:00 pm)
First Friday of the Month after the 6:30 pm Mass
Daily Masses
6:30 pm (Rectory Chapel)
6:45 am (Church) Norvus Ordo Mass in Latin
6:30 pm (Rectory Chapel)
6:30 pm English Mass (Church)
6:30 pm Norvus Ordo Mass in Latin (Church)
6:30 pm (Rectory Chapel)
First of Month Masses
First Friday
6:30 pm Norvus Ordo Mass in Latin
(Followed by Benediction)
First Saturday
9:30 am Norvus Ordo Mass in Latin
(Rosary and Confessions at 9:00 AM)
Saturday: 4:15—4:45 pm — Church Confession box
Sunday: before 9:30 am Mass — Church Confession box
Other times by appointment. Please call the Rectory at 216-631-5633.
Parish Bulletins and Events
Upcoming Events
Sunday, Feb 9 Schola Practice (CR) 8:00am
Latin Social (R) after 9:30am Mass
Monday, Feb 10 Parish Council (CR) 7:00pm
Thursday, Feb 13 RCIA (CR) 6:30pm
(CR)-Club Room (R)-Rectory (SFR)-St Francis Room (MCB)-Michael Bldg Cafeteria
If you aren’t sure where to find the noted meeting locations, contact the parish office.
Sunday Socials
Latin Mass Socials are held in the club room on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month after the 9:30 am Mass
Help is needed to distribute bagged groceries at our Community Kindness Pantry.
We are also in the need for ushers, lectors, servers and Eucharistic Ministers.
Please see the Ministry Information below for contact information about these, and other, available service ministries.
FOOD PANTRY: The Food Pantry is open on the last Thursday of the Month from 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon with the exception of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please call the Parish Office for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Pantry dates. Entrance: Rear Door of the Rectory/Parish Office. Open for all those in need and living within our service area: Between West Shoreway Drive and Lorain Avenue (North to South) and W44th and W93rd Streets (East to West).Food Pantry Volunteers are Welcome! If you are interested in volunteering in our fantabulous Food Pantry, please contact the Parish Office. We have several positions open including sorting and stacking groceries, bagging and providing groceries to those in need on Food Pantry Day, preparing emergency bagged groceries for those in need during the week, and, of course, your laughter and smiles as we all work together!
ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY: The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a voluntary organization of Christian men and women dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to those in need. The St. Vincent de Paul Society meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Club Room. Contact: Parish office.
BREAD MINISTRY: Bread and baked goods are distributed after the 9:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday Masses. Contact: Laura Miereau, Phil Smith
HOLY NAME SOCIETY: The Holy Name Society is committed to helping its members grow in holiness through devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus. The Northwest Deanery of the Holy Name Society meets on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the rectory. All are welcome. Contact: Julio Castro
GERMAN COMMUNITY: This group organizes lectors, collects petitions and provides the music for the German Mass which is the first Sunday of the month at 11:00 am. Coffee and pastries are provided after the Mass in the rectory. Contact: Herb Mausser, Hans Kopp
SCHOLA CANTORUM: The Schola Cantorum sings Gregorian Chant at the Sunday 9:30 AM Latin Mass.
ORGANIST: Joe Kolecki is the music director and the organist for the Sunday 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM Mass.
ALTAR SERVER TRAINING: Servers assist at assigned liturgies on Sundays, Holy Days and Funerals. Contact: Father Caroli
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or children (RCIC) classes prepare adults and children for Sacraments of Christian Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.
CONFIRMATION: Classes prepare young adults for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes normally meet on Saturdays, beginning in September and continuing through May. Contact: Parish office.
MATRIMONY: Weddings should be arranged with the Pastor at least 6 months in advance. Please see our St. Stephen Wedding Music Planner and our aid on Wedding Music Selection. To assist you with planning your rehearsal, please download our Wedding Rehearsal and Liturgy Planning Form
Mission Appeal
Bishop Edward Malesic has given permission to the Apostles of Jesus to conduct a mission appeal once a year at St. Stephen Church. For those who do not know, our Priests, Fr. Caroli Shao and Fr. Ben Koka, are members of the Apostles of Jesus. The Apostles of Jesus is a Missionary Order founded in Uganda Africa in the year 1968 by two Italian Comboni Missionaries for the evangelization of Africa and the World. Working with various Catholic Dioceses in the world, the Apostles of Jesus are engaged in various fields of apostolate, namely: Primary Evangelization, Parish Ministry, Clinical Pastoral Care and Hospital Chaplaincy, Nursing Homes/Aids ministry, and Formation of the Lay Leaders.
All funds raised from this mission appeal will help to educate the many vocations in the society of the Apostles of Jesus in Africa. This mission appeal will take place here at St. Stephen Parish next weekend — December 14 and 15, 2024. Please prayerfully consider contributing generously to this annual appeal.
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